Мечети Средней Азии
Узбекистан Ислам в Узбекистане
имеет давнюю и богатую историю. Города Самарканд и Бухара являются
центрами традиционной исламской образованности. Кроме того, Бухоро-йе
шариф («благородная Бухара») считается своеобразной столицей суфийского
тариката Накшбандийа. Именно в Бухаре расположено медресе «Мир Араб»,
где проходило обучение большинство мусульманских священнослужителей
СССР. Большая часть населения республики - сунниты ханафитского мазхаба.
Исключение составляет незначительная шиитская община ирани (выходцев из
Ирана) в Самарканде. Самарканд - один из древнейших городов мира, имеющего возраст более 2500 лет. Город был столицей могущественного в древности государства Согд, центром обширной империи Тамерлана (Тимура). По своей исторической и архитектурной значимости он не уступает всемирно известным древним центрам мировой цивилизации. Общеизвестна площадь Регистан с тремя древними медресе(Улугбека, Шир - Дор, Тилля - Кари). Неподалеку мавзолей Гур-Эмир, усыпальница Тимура и его сыновей и внуков, который послужил образцом для постройки мечети в Санкт-Петербурге в 1914 г. Прекрасные изразцы в мавзолеях города мертвых - Шахи-Зинда. Самая большая среднеазиатская мечеть Биби-Ханым, которая была построена в XIV веке и сразу же начала разваливаться, сейчас это полуразрушенное сооружение. Рядом с ней огромный базар, тоже самый большой в Средней Азии.
Бухара - один из старейших городов Средней Азии, имеющий более чем 2000-летнюю историю, в прошлом был столицей Бухарского эмирата.В центре города возвышается древняя цитадель - арк, самый древний его археологический памятник. Концентрация древних мечетей, медресе, караван-сараев и торговых куполов в центре просто неимоверная. Но, особое место в облике Бухары занимает построенный в 12 веке минарет Калян (Большой минарет). Высота его - 50 метров. Это самый высокий из известных архитектурных памятников Средней Азии. Прекрасно сохранились мечети Магоки- Аттари, Боло-Хауз, Балянд, Ходжа -Зайнеддин, мовзолей Исмаила Самани (9 - 10 вв.), медресе Кукельдаш, Улугбека, Кош-медресе, Мири-Араб(лучшее действующее духовное учреждение в Средней Азии). В Бухаре жили и творили выдающиеся поэты - Фирдоуси, Рудаки, всемирно известный ученый Ибн - Сина (Авиценна).
Хива - огромный архитектурный заповедник. Первое упоминание о Хиве относится к 10 веку( в трудах арабских путешественников Истахри и Макдиси). В 17 веке город превратился в столицу Хивинского ханства и долгое время был одним из крупных духовных центров мусульманского мира. Из сохранившихся мечетей, мовзолеев и медресе, наиболее примечательны остатки дворца Пахлаван Махмуда, медресе Аллакули-хана,Мухаммед-Амин-хана, минареты Калян, Исламходжа, Кальта-минор, мечеть Магоки - Аттари.
Шахрисабз - этот город является родиной Тимура. Своеобразный архитектурный музей с сооружениями 14-15 вв. Наиболее примечателен из них Ак-Сарай, бывший дворец Тимура, мечеть Кок - Гумез и др.
Bala-Haus Mosque, Bukhara. Our historical Route passes through the northern branch of Great Silk Route, bustling here from China to Europe a thousand years ago. You are promised surprising discoveries, Remnants of ancient palaces and fortresses, the biggest desert in Central Asia, Kysyl - Kum and old world - famous town: Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent. Along the Route you'll cross the boundaries of 3 Central Asian States (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) and get acquainted with the culture and lifestyle of local people. NORTH WAYS OF GREAT SILK ROAD Our historical Route passes through the northern branch of Great Silk Route, bustling here from China to Europe a thousand years ago. You are promised surprising discoveries, Remnants of ancient palaces and fortresses, the biggest desert in Central Asia, Kysyl - Kum, and old world- famous town - Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent. Along the Route you'll cross the boundaries of 3 Central Asian States (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) and get acquainted with the culture and lifestyle of local people. TASHKENT Zainaddin-Bobo Mausoleum is one of the largest sights in Tashkent (XVI с) Kukeldash Madrasah XVI с Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan with a population of more than 2,3 million people, the town has 20 centuries of history. It lies on the northern part of the Great Silk Route. In the Middle Ages, Tashkent became the centre of an agriculture oasis, a town of handicraft and arts, a mighty fortress on the northern border with nomadic tribes. The Barak - Khana (a residence of the Mufti - the Father of the Central Asian Muslims - is situated there now), the Kukeldash Madrasah,the Djami mosque and the Kaffal-Shashi mausoleum still remain. After the terrible earthquake of 1966, the town was practically ruined.Tashkent was revived from ash and became one of the most beautiful towns of Central Asia and a cultural, scientific and the biggest industrial center. Tashkent is the greenest town of Asia with lots of parks,fountains and multi- coloured bazaars and harsh administrative buildings. The lines of the Tashkent metro - the only metro in Central Asia - stretch on 47 km, and by the richness of the marble decoration of the stations, they are considered to be the most beautiful in the world. Hundreds of international meetings, simposiums, congresses and film-festivals are conducted in Tashkent annually. Tashkent is twinned with the 10 major cities of the world (Seattle, Scople, Karachi, Patiala, etc.). Tashkent is the international air gate of Uzbekistan and Central Asia and is connected with direct flights to more than 15 countries of the world.SAMARKAND It was even many centuries ago when Samarkand located on the tradecaravan routes, became one of the centers of ancient civilization and is considered to be the model of historical and cultural traditions of the people of Central Asia. The magnetic force of Samarkand is great.One can't deny the fact that there are very few towns in the world more than twenty five centuries old, towns which could attract people by its beauty, by its unique appearance in the way that Samarkand does. Connected with Samarkand are the names of such great people as Alexander the Great who came to Central Asia, arab commander Kuteiba ibn Muslim, who captured the town during cruel fights, ferocious Genghis-Khan who turned the town into ruins and Tamerlan who created the huge Empire that stretched from the Volga to Gang,from Tien-Shan to Bosfor. Everybody who visits the town admires the high skill and artistic talent of ancient architects who created such architectural wonders like the Shakhi-Zinda ensemble, the Bibi-Khanym mosque, Gur-Emir and Shirat-Khana mausoleums which greatly impress tourists. The heat of old Samarkand is surrounded by grand buildings from three sides - Registan square - attrats great attention and is considered to be the example of town-planning culture of past centuries, Ulugbek madrasa, Sherdor and Tillya-Kari madrasas. A really wonderful change happens - the ancient town comes to life right in front of your eyes and you are sure to have the feeling that nothing in history disappears without leaving a trace.
Registan Square (XV-XVII cc.)-the official center of Tamerlan's Empire. The Square is surrounded by the madrasas of Ulugbek,Sher-Dor,Tillya-Kari. All the buildings are notable for their grandious size, luxurious decoration, rich facings with ornaments from glazed brick, mosaic and marble. The Registan Ensemble has remained in its primordial appearance and is considered to be one of the most amazing architectural monuments in Central Asia
Gur-Emir mausoleum (XV c.) - the Timurids' dynastic burial-vault - a unique monument of Central Asian architecture, a blue ribbed tessellated dome that can be observed from anywhere in town. Here lies the body of "Iron" Tamerlan and his grandson Ulugbek
Shakhi-Zinda mausoleums ensemble (XIV-XV cc.) - called "the town of the dead" - is a complex of more than 20 buildings-mausoleums(necropolis) of different ages - a unique museum of glazed decor under the open sky The tour also include: § Bibi-Khanum cathedral mosque (XIV-XV cc. ) - was built by the order of Tamerlan and was the biggest cathedral mosque on the whole muslim Orient. Thousands of architects, masters, craftsmen and painters from many countries created this complex - the square of which is 130 x 100 m - in only 5 years.Unfortunately, during the earthquake, the dome of mosque was destroyed. At the moment the whole complex is under restoration. § Ulugbek Observatory (XV c.) - only part of the marble sextant of the unique erection 30-meters high and 50-meters in diameter has remained till nowadays. The sextant helped Ulugbek to make the most exact astronomical catalogue with coordinates of 1018 stars. The memorial museum of Ulugbek has been constructed near the Observatory. § Afrosiab-town - the oldest part of Samarkand dated V-III BC. City gates 13m high,interesting samples of earthenware crockery, terracotta statuettes, fragments of ossuaris (ceramic boxes in which the bones of dead people were kept), glassware,pieces of jewellery,coins and the most importantly ,unique frescos were excavated here are now on show in the museum of history of the town and in the Hermitage. Additional tours: § The theatre of national costume (an exhibition of costume of local inhabitants from Zaroastrinism up to modern times); § Light-sound panorama on Registan Square - a wonderful evening show , where the centuries - old history of the town around the buildings of Registan square. The story is accompanied by light-music effects; § Evening in a national house - visit to a typical Uzbek house,acquaintance with the way of life and traditions of local people, dinner according to the rules of Oriental etiquette, 5-6 dishes of national cuisine, fruits, vegetables and oriental sweets; § Visit of the oldest winery in Central Asia including tasting of local sorts of wine and cognac that have been rewarded by numerous medals of international exhibitions; § One-day excursion to Shakhrisabz - Tamerlan's motherland, ruins of Ak-Sarai (XV c.), necropolis Daraut; § Trip to the mountain of Zeravshan ridge. Walks in picturesque mountains with picnic; § One-day excursion to Pendjikent (50 km,Tadjikistan); § Sightseeing: Khazret-Khyzr mosque (XIX c.), Bibi-Khanum mosque (XIV-XV cc.), Bibi-Khanum mausoleum (XIV-XV cc), Rukhabad mausoleum (XIV c.), Aksarai mausoleum (XV c.), Khodja-Nisbatdor mosque and minaret, Abdi-Darun mausoleum (XV c.) and Ishrat - khana mausoleum (XV c.) BUKHARA Bukhara is one of the most ancient towns of the Orient. It grew and developed continuously on the same site from IV B.C. The
main feature of the town is a rare combination of architectural buildings
of different ages -madrasahs,mosques,
Ark Fortress (VI-XIX cc.).In middle ages it was a whole town with the Emir's house with his wives, mosques, mint place, government institutes, store-rooms,a prison and a square for public executions KHIVA The time of Khiva's foundation, lost in ancient days, has turned into a legend. Khiva reached heyday in the Middle Ages having become one of the main towns and later capital of the powerful State of Khorezm. The town was destroyed and reconstructed more than once and the final architectual appearance of the old part was built during XVII-XIX cc. Khiva is called " the unique museum-town under the open sky ". Mosques, madrasas, caravanserais, numerous minarets and palaces of former khorezm lords produce a lasting impression. In contrast to other towns of the Orient, the monuments of ancient architecture were not dot around the city but were concentrate on a small square in the central part of town. Khiva's architecture is striking due to its simplicity and monumental forms, unique and graceful fretted wooden columns, skilful plaiting design that decorated numerous administrative and religious buildings of unique colourful majolica. Khiva carpets, hand-made embroidery, ceramics and copper coining made by local masters, that are kept and passed on from one generation to another are known all over the world.
Nurulla-Bai Palace in Khiva
Kunya-Ark (XVII c.) - an inner fortress with administrrative buildings, gunpowder works, arsenal, palace, law-court, mint place, mosques and Kurnysh-Khana palace for official receptions with throne-room decorated with fret plaster (ganch), khans's harem. More than 40 unique monuments of ancient architecture and arts and crafts are concentrated on the 25 hectare square. The most attractive ones are:
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